Luciano Gomes dos Reis, Marcia Regina Gabardo da Câmara, Paulo Roberto Belomo de Souza, Marco Aurélio Arbex
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5329/RECADM.20050402004


The objective of the research is to analyze the partnership between municipal public administration and organizations of the third section, under the optics of the Economy of the Costs of Transaction. A theoretical revision about public administration in Brazil, partnership, nets, Economy of the Costs of Transaction and selective collection was done in order to identify the main concepts and to explain its evoolution. An empiric research was accomplished, through a semi-structured instrument and secondarily of documental analysis of the contracts of collection of solid residues of the municipal district of Londrina. The results revealed substancial economic gains originated from of the changes in the institutional arrangements of the process of selective collection, starting from the partnership between the municipal city hall and organizations of the third section. Under the optics of the economy of the transaction costs, it was verified: i) the high interaction frequency among the agents, what contributed to the agents mutual knowledge, but didn't eliminate the uncertainty occurrence, under the optics of the associations; ii) the uncertainty in the system and also the perception occured because mechanisms of incentives failed, and many associations adopted opportunist behaviour; iii) they were  found assets of high specificity in the selective collection, but they were not used neither by associations nor by Cepeve; iv) the current system did not present larger transaction costs (overcoat of administration of the system), the private/public association contributed to a significant reduction in the operational costs and with great impact also in the costs of the conventional collection, what turns the system as an all less one expensive for the public safes; v) a hybrid governance was set by a flexible contract, but that walks for the fixation of a more rigid and formal contract.



transaction costs; partnership; public administration



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