Michelle Cristine Silveira Meireles, Edson Arlindo Silva, Leonardo Pinheiro Deboçã, Bruna Cardoso, Vagner Rosalem


The present paper approach questions related to planning, negotiation and marketing strategies carried by a textile industry enterprise. The search was based in a study of case, by semi-structured interviews and institutional document analyses. The theoric base utilized in the search was applied in sense to embased the comprehension of studied phenomenon. The enterprise play with quality product, low prices, and the major problem was in turnover capital. In the realization of a detailed organizational analyses, costumers direct search and inventore of new tatics of atuation, was perceived the occurrence of a market sense improve, leading the enterprise to new market perspectives. By this way, the study show that the organization should implant a conjoint of enterprise policies by intense and interactive way considering yours possibilities and limitations about consumers/costumers as in your market.



Strategy; Textile Industry; Negotiation



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