Responsabilidade social corporativa: uma contribuição das empresas para o desenvolvimento sustentável

Maria Elisabeth Pereira Kraemer


The exercise of the corporate social responsibility is associated to the sustained notion, which seeks to reconcile the economic, environmental and social spheres in the generation of compatible scenery to the continuity and the expansion of the activities of the companies in the present and in the future. The corporate social responsibility becomes considered an important element for the development of the business and to establish positive relationships of the companies with the so-called interested parts (stockholders). Thus, the companies are impelled to adopt new postures in face of subjects linked to the ethics and the quality of the relationship company-society. These subjects come influencing, and in many cases imposing, changes in the market dynamics and in the competition pattern and of competitiveness, as for example the concern about the environment. One should not think of sustained as something restricted to the environment, as well as social responsibility it is not limited to actions or investments in social projects. The two concepts are tied up intrinsically. A company that intends to sustain forever its business should adopt a strategy that contemplates what English call triple bottom line (triple counts of results), that is to say to generate value in the economic, environmental and social dimensions. In the same way, corporate social responsibility means to understand and to act in response to that new demand of the society, that is that the value generated by a company is reflected in benefits not only for its shareholders, but that also has a positive impact for the group affected by its operations, in particular the environment and the community (its own employees and the remaining of the society), respecting its culture and acting in an ethical and transparent way.


Maintainable Development; Companie; Social Responsibility



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