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Artigo (Português (Brasil))Abstract
Majority familiar businesses have an organizational culture based on the owner family values. Although it is perfectly in control, the organizational climate become disperse, considering that many times businesses cross the trade frontier and advance to the owners home, confounding family members and businesses attributions and responsibilities. In this way, this study aims to analyze the familiar businesses profile in tourism sector in Blumenau, SC. The methodology procedures used were bibliography researches, followed by a study about the case. To collect information, the interview was the chosen instrument. The interviews were accomplished with 101 familiar businesses from a sample of 134 in the universe of 211 enterprises. Through the research result it's possible to outline the following generic profile to them: a) the majority are small or middle enterprises; b) these organizations don't plan their management and present a reactive form of decision, they don't antecipate the market changes; c) they don't have a formal structure of power and responsibilities; d) they present a centralized organizational structure; e) they don't control their financial area and when they do, it's normally delegated to the accountant; f) they don't find difficulties in human resources administration; g) they don't delegate functions and decisions, consequently they don't work in team and; h) they prefer a remuneration according to the function - a fixed salary - instead of a merit remuneration - variable salary - of their workers. It's possible to conclude that they are centralizer structures and few undertaker. Therefore, to turn them more competitive it's necessary to review their present management practices. It's important that all the agents responsible for tourism development - government, touristic enterprises, schools, support institutions of the sector and community - note this reality and direct theirs efforts, or the majority of them, to help the touristic familiar enterprises and small enterprises of the sector.
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