Adriana Baltazar Silva


The objective of this article is to communicate a literature review on the efficiency evaluation of sanitary organizations in Asian, European, and Latin American Countries, in a ten year period, either as a Benchmarking instrument or as diverse application possibilities that it has there in. The method of valuation that is intended to be used is the encircling Analysis of Data (DEA) whose given results allow us to identify the factors that explain the inefficient – efficient behavior of the public or private hospital centres by means of a systemic analysis of the input/output production process. The hospitals just as any other enterprise have as a main goal to reach the success, not only economically, but also regarding the attention to their patients. This means to achieve seniority, leadership development, production efficiency, and of course profitability, besides other important aspects. For all this the non-parametric frontier model applications are analyzed DEA, where all the results show the possible use of studies that check the public and/or private Mexican hospitals for the efficiency valuation, which becomes an evaluation tool when consulting.


efficiency; deprived centers of health; Quality on watch; hospitals



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