José Antonio Bonilla Castillo
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5329/RECADM.20040302002


Five subjects are approached in this article. The first discusses the holistic approach, which enriches the prevalent Cartesianism, through the balance among two opposed, yet complementary, principles: the self-affirmative and the integrative doctrines. The second refers to the kind of University we want, there is, a gestaltian organization, opposed to a factory of professionals – An University that teaches and prepares individuals for life, not for the economical system. The third subject is related to the kind of Life we wish for. The alternatives here are - to act as agents of social (and personal) transformation - or to be a crop of clones to the service of the dominant economical system. The fourth focuses the kind of society we want, in this case we also have two different paths before us: to deepen the current one, merely centered on material wealth, or to create a new path, where wealth is constituted by grand universal principles (dignity, justice, solidarity, well-being etc), which will be the great objectives of human Life. The fifth and last subject refers to a specific proposal to deepen the central subject: the meaning of the human life, and refers to training and preparing individuals to be leaders in Life. 



Self-affirmative principle; integrative principle; spiritual intelligence; leadership in Life



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