José Edgard Da Mota Freitas, Ana Isabel Rodríguez Escudero
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5329/RECADM.20030201007


The election of a mall for an individual is the result of comparing the utility of the diverse alternatives. The previous literature leads us to propose a function of utility of the consumer integrated by two components: the spatial factor and the factor image. The spatial factor reflects the influence that on the behavior of the individual has the position in the geographical space of a certain alternative of buy, this is: the cost in time, money and effort that supposes acceding to the center. If the consumer had to choose among two equal centers on a perfectly uniform market, he would choose the one that was more close, nevertheless, since the most probable thing is that exist certain differential attributes that provide to a center of major attraction that to other one, it is necessary to think that, when the difference in the distance among the centers does not overcome a certain level or threshold, is converted into an irrelevant criterion of election. That is to say, before two different centers, the consumer can be prepared to support certain cost of additional displacement if it him allows to accede to better offers. The monitoring of these suppositions constitutes the aim (lens) of this work. For it we rely on the information obtained of a personal survey questionnaire constructed, directed 350 individuals who take part in the familiar decisions of buy in Aracaju's homes (Brazil).



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