O alinhamento estratégico entre cultura organizacional e estratégias de gestão de pessoas

Leilianne Michelle Trindade da Silva, Lindolfo Galvão de Albuquerque, Benny Kramer Costa
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5329/RECADM.20090802004


This work aims to verify the existence of strategic alignment between organizational culture and human resource strategies in organizations located in Brazil. To this end, was used the Competing Values Model as a basis for analysis. This is a descriptive study, carried out with a sample of 150 organizations that stood out in an organizational climate survey conducted at national level. The data were analyzed using the technique of content analysis. It was observed that the organizations assume a preference for models characterized by flexible and dynamic organizational structure, with special emphasis on the internal environment, both with regard to human resource management and organizational culture. Also noteworthy is the strong presence of hybrid models. In general, one can say that there is a reasonable strategic alignment between organizational culture and human resource strategies in the organizations, indicating that the precepts of strategic human resource management are being disseminated by the Brazilian companies, which are struggling to explore the internal dynamics of the human resource system, recognizing their interactions with the organizational culture and performing the horizontal alignment.


Strategic Alignment; Organizational Culture; Human Resource Strategies; Strategic Human Resource Management



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