Um estudo sobre as opiniões de consumidores não especializados, no município de São Paulo, acerca da utilização do software livre e do software proprietário

Mauro Neves Garcia, Mônica Menkaitis Bressan, Dirceu da Silva


The aim of this study was to construct a scale to assess attitudes and opinions on free software and proprietary software, to analyze the opinions of students of Higher Education Institutions (IES) about the use of Free Software (SL) and Proprietary Software (SP), representing two types of software on the market of information technology. To conduct this study was used a literature review and a field survey with 400 respondents by the trial samples, which provided grants and theoretical models to compare these two types of software. Thus it was possible to identify nine factors for the comparison between the SL and SP from the view of students of courses of administration, accounting and others, who knew the two types of software, but were not experts in the subject and were established in the municipality of São Paulo. The overall results showed advantages for Free Software in relation to Software Owner. The literature review and field survey allowed the identification of discrepancies between some factors in the opinions of the authors and students, which can be explained by the bias of the works consulted and also by preference of students from the sample by a type of software or other.


Keywords: Consumer behavior, Free Software, Proprietary Software.


Consumer behavior; Free Software; Proprietary Software



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