Um estudo das motivações para implantação de programas de logística reversa de microcomputadores

Ezequiel Ferreira dos Santos, Maria Tereza Saraiva de Souza


The goal of this study is to verify the determining factors which motivated the deployment and maintenance of reverse logistics programs for microcomputers waste management post-consumption. Are few searches that assess the impact on the environment caused by disposing of microcomputers and especially sustainable alternatives to mitigate these impacts. The search is qualitative and exploratory nature, using case study strategy. Organizations surveyed are manufacturers of microcomputers, being a national and other multinational, both large businesses. Evidence used sources were semi-structured interviews, log files, direct research and observation. The search results show that the main factors that have led to the deployment and maintenance of reverse logistics process in companies surveyed were: environmental impact, the scarce resources, legislation, institutional image, the environmental management system and involvement of senior management.



Environmental management; environment; environmental impact; reverse logistics; solid waste; recycling



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