Luciana Helena Crnkovic, Sérgio Luiz do Amaral Moretti


The objective of this study is to investigate the migration of proprietary software to free software - FS in an small businesses information system – SI, an institution of higher education. The SI is a key resource an is independent of size or area of the company activity. Its appropriated management may be able to improve process, generate knowledge and create significant competitive advantages. However, the high cost of purchasing proprietary software is a major obstacle to their deployment by opening a good market opportunity for FSs with free choice and good performance. To investigate the migration process for FSs was conducted a case study in a cooperative school in which we can observe the growing importance of IS in its operation. The results identified after the implementation of the FSs was increased interdepartmental synergy, greater dynamism in the activities due to the efficient capture of information, and greater reliability in SI with respect to safety. In the case of FS, we can see clearly its competitiveness against the proprietary software



Keywords: information technology; information system; free software



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