Emerson Wagner Mainardes, Maria José Domingues


In a market of competitive higher education, as it is the case of Brazil, to offer a teaching to satisfy students and job market has been fundamental to attract and to keep students in a Higher Education Institution (HEI). This study aimed to determine the current students' satisfaction with the aspects of the graduation in administration called to the job market in HEIs of Joinville, SC. For the accomplishment of the study, it was looked for studies that treat of the students' satisfaction, meeting 5 attributes that measure the satisfaction with linked attributes to the job market. Soon afterwards, it was conducted a quantitative-descriptive research close to the graduates in two of five HEIs that offer the administration course in Joinville, SC. A questionnaire was applied structured 283 graduates of these two HEIs close to. With the collected data, it was characterized these graduates and it was identified the attributes of better and worse acting as the students' satisfaction in the linked aspects to the job market. Also it was met the attributes that more contribute to the students' satisfaction. The students were shown satisfied, and they stood out that the image of HEI in the market, the employability and the service to the students' needs and of the job market are essential for the students if they are satisfied with their course and their HEIs.



Students satisfaction; job market; graduates in administration; higher education institutions



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