Valderí de Castro Alcântara, Luís Fernando Silva Andrade, Raquel Santos Soares Menezes, Pedro Ivo Vieira Good God


This article aims at the analysis of the organizational culture at enterprises located in two towns with distinct quantitative traits, Rio Paranaíba and Araxá. While the surveyed enterprises in Rio Paranaíba are mostly micro and small enterprises (86%), in Araxá there are mostly medium and large companies (53%). The overall objective is to verify if there are significant differences in organizational culture among these enterprises and if they can be explained by the organization size. The research was quantitative and instruments for data collection were a questionnaire and a scale for measuring organizational culture containing four dimensions: Hierarchical Distance Index (IDH), Individualism Index (INDI), Masculinity Index (MASC) and the Uncertainty Control Index (CINC). Tabulation and analysis of data were performed using the PASW Statistics 18, doing descriptive and inferential statistical procedures. Using a Reduction Factor (-21) the achieved indexes were classified into 5 intensity categories (from "very low" to "very high"). The Student t test for two means was performed, revealing significant differences in Hierarchical Distance and Individualism between Araxá and Rio Paranaíba enterprises (p <0.05).



Organizational Culture; Dimensions of Organizational Culture; Araxá; Rio Paranaíba



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