Percepções dos stakeholders sobre a qualidade de uma instituição de ensino superior

Emerson Wagner Mainardes, Marcelo Deschamps, Gerson Tontini


Service Quality is becoming an important survival strategy for Higher Education Institutions (HEI) facing a competitive market. The objective of this paper is to show an application of the Shanahan & Gerber Model to the Business Administration Undergraduate Course of a HEI, located in Joinville/SC, Brazil. The study tried to identify the HEI stakeholders’ understanding about what is service quality and the dimensions of the educational service quality. The replication of this study in Brazil is justifiable due to the growing importance of the educational quality for the HEI, mainly after the introduction of the Higher Education National Evaluation System (SINAES) in 2004. By interviewing 33 stakeholders and using the fenomenographic methodology, we concluded that both, the Shanahan and Gerber (2004) and the SINAES quality dimensions were found, confirming the research realized by the Australian authors.



Quality; Educational Quality; Higher Education; Fenomenography



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