Antonio Isidro Filho


The aim of this paper was to develop and to validate the Organizational Learning Values Scale (OLVS). Based on Learning Values Scale of Ellis et al.(1999), the items were translated from English language to Portuguese language. Thirty-five items were submitted to empirical validation and twenty-five items were confirmed. Five hundred and twenty-two employees of a financial organization were participated of this research. In the factorial analysis, the best solution was identified (Oblimin rotation, KMO=0,93) with three factors. The factors were named: Responsibility and Opening to Learning (12 items, α = 0,90), Transparency in Work Performance (4 items, α = 0,78) and Integrity and Equality at Work (9 items, α = 0,85). Finally, conclusions and recommendations for future research are presented and suggest the improvement of OLVS as well as to investigate the relationship between learning values and others organizational variables.



Organizational Learning Values; Organizational Learning; Organizational Behavior; Measure Scale



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