Fabio Castanheira, Luiz Carlos Di Serio, Gilnei Luiz de Moura, Guilherme Silveira Martins


The dynamics of cellular phones chain have been modified in recent years, with formations of structures increasingly more verticals disintegration. This phenomenon might change the whole value chain in the near future, encouraging the entry of new players, in the same time that put new challenges for traditional industry participants. This study aims to identify causal relationships between vertical integration and competitiveness for the cellular phones chain in Brazil. For this were analyzed two contrasting cases: the case of Motorola, with the traditional model - vertical, and the case of Gradient, with innovative design in its conception of the value chain – vertical disintegration. The data collection was extensive, including interviews with key representatives from industry, structured questionnaires, documentary analysis and participant observation. Were found some evidences: (1) a continuous modularization of product architectures; (2) low asset specificity; (3) the possibility of purchasing third-party scale; (4) decreasing costs of coordination; (5) the emergence of niche players; (6) the commoditization of many of the segments market; (7) low barriers to entry for new competitors; and (8) the buyers who have strong interest in developing new suppliers.


Strategy; Vertical Integration; Competitiveness; Supply Chain; Industry of Mobile Phones



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