Harrison Bachion Ceribeli, Edgard Monforte Merlo, Frank da Silva Morais


Many retailers was founded as a small business, whose management was concentrated in the partners. However, grew and reached a level at which family and informal management no longer is efficient. Thus, many owners saw the need to professionalize the management of their businesses, preparing them to continue to grow. This study aimed to explore the process of professionalization of management in retail companies and their managerial implications, exploring in greater depth some key aspects inherent in this process. Were analyzed two case studies involving the professional management of two retail groups. Subsequently, were developed a series of propositions about the observed process. It was found that the initiative for a more professional business must originate from the organization's owners, who must replace the operational control by planning. It is worth mentioning that a more professional management structure facilitates the implementation of actions and practices of modern management. It should also be highlighted in this process the need to structure a formal organizational structure of management and establish a wider control system, transforming the control micro, focused on activity, in macro control, focused on results.



Professionalization; family management; retail



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