Magnus Luiz Emmendoerfer, Josiel Lopes Valadares, Marcos Hashimoto
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5329/RECADM.20100902002


This study is a theoretical essay resulting from a research about the construction of knowledge in entrepreneurism in Brazil. It aims at identifying and discussing the evidences of the internal entrepreneurism, having as basis two empirical elements, the “Intra-entrepreneurism” and “Corporative Entrepreneurism” in organizations in the innovation context. In methodological terms, the data sources were essentially secondary, having as basis the main technical and scientific production concerning this theme in the events organized by the Associação Nacional de Pós Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração (ANPAD). The principles of meta-analysis and the content analysis technique were used, and they permitted to observe the differences between the Intra-entrepreneurism and the Corporative Entrepreneurism in organizational and behavioral terms. Among the main results, it is observed, as reflections needed in the field, the necessity to clarify the elements that distinguish corporative entrepreneurs from the internal-entrepreneurs in the organizations, as well as understand the element that stimulate behaviors turned to the internal entrepreneurism. Among the more evidenced behaviors turned to the innovation in organizations of technological basis the ones which stand out are: search for opportunities and initiatives, establishment of targets, systematic planning and monitoring, persuasion and network, independence and self-confidence. As future perspectives of investigation, there is a vast field to explore in the singularities of the manifestation in contemporary organizations of internal entrepreneurism in Brazil in a comparative perspective, especially in the ones inserted in the innovation context.



Corporate Entrepreneurship; Intra Entrepreneurship; Innovation



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