Controvérsias, conveniências e críticas na implantação da TV digital no Brasil: as negociações e os estratagemas retóricos empregados pelos agentes fomentadores
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Artigo (Português (Brasil))Abstract
Controversies, conveniences and critiques constitute the essence of the quarrels and disputes gifts in the acts human, if observed for the optics of social science. Breaking itself of the concept of the activity of the administrator as social science applied, the objective of the work it is in investigating the involved controversies in the rhetorical stratagems used by the six main involved agents in the process of implantation of the digital TV in Brazil and, concomitantly, to analyze and to argue the interests of each one of these agents as participants of the decision technique/politics of the choice of the standard of digital TV. For intermediary of exploratory research of qualitative nature, analysis after-factum, with job of the technique of interview in depth based in the methodology proposal for the Rhetorical Analysis, searched to delineate continuously in the conception of the determined strategies, the different stages of the process that had culminated in the grant of the digital standard of the Brazilian TV in 02 of December of 2007. The results of the research show respect to the adoption of the Japanese standard in perfect accord with the interests of the Broadcasters and the Federal Government, in detriment of the interests of the Collective Intervozes, the Industry of Telecoms and the Academy, being that, for the Electro-electronic Industry it did not have significant interferences in its model of business. This in case that it constitutes an instructive example of the sprouting of the controversies, critical conveniences and in the job of the strategies on the part of the executives acting as rhetorical agents in the defense of the interests of its respective organizations.
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