Carlos Eduardo Cavalcante, Washington José de Souza, Abdon Silva Ribeiro da Cunha, Marcos Adller de Almeida Nascimento
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5329/RECADM.20111001007


Volunteer work has grown significantly and has had an important role in society. It is therefore important to establish the motivations that lead volunteers to give up their own good for the welfare of other people. Thus, this study aims at investigating the reasons and expectations of volunteers who work for the Pastoral da Criança. The survey was conducted among volunteers linked to twenty-five parishes in the city of João Pessoa. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire, based on Souza, Medeiros and Fernandes (2006). A hundred and fifty seven questionnaires were collected. The data was analysed, in the first section, using statistical measures (mean and standard deviation), and, in the second and third sections, using percentage. The "affective" and "selfless" profiles predominate in volunteer work, which characterises volunteers who are interested in the local recovery of citizenship and who have a high degree of selflessness.


Pastoral da criança; volunteer work; profile



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