Gustavo da Silva Motta, Marcos Cerqueira Lima


This paper aims at discussing the possibility of establishing a collaborative network based on a freeware web-based tool with the potential to add innovative elements to the process of management teaching and learning. The current social, cultural and technological contexts require the widespread adoption of similar cognitive support tools for organizational analysis by business students. In order to illustrate some future possibilities, we briefly present recent experiences with the use of a hypertextual tool for collaborative case analysis. In all three of the experience scenarios (analysis of cases previously registered in the system; development and analysis of a new hypertextual case study and the use of the collaborative interface for qualitative analysis in a business game), we could observe how the tool contributed to the development of abilities of teamwork and decision making, besides the competency of information gathering and processing and also the capacity to deal with the complexity of ill-structured knowledge domains. We concluded that the successful use of such web-based tool in these three contexts is a supporting evidence that it is possible to envisage the creation of a nation-wide library of hypertextual cases for organizational analysis.



Panteon System; Case Method; Business Games; Hypertextual Cases



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