Fernando Dewes


Usually, quality assessments of corporative health insurance plans take into account just the degree of satisfaction of the costumers. For the assessment of both the degree of costumer´s satisfaction and the firm investment returns, we carried out the construction and a validation test of an appropriate multidimensional measurement scale.  For the construction of the scale we took into account the quality dimensions related to the costumer`s satisfaction and its impact on the relationship of the employee towards the firm as an aggregated quality asset. As validation test of the proposed scale we conducted an analysis of its psychometric properties based on data generated from a sample of 280 employees.  The results show that the health insurance plan bring both satisfactions to the employees and gains to the firm, according to the proposed Model of Aggregated Quality. The proposed measurement scale presented acceptable total internal consistency and convergent validity. The factorial analysis suggested a set of ten factors related to the technical, functional, and aggregated qualities of the health insurance plan, which respond for about 60% of the total variance. This study stresses the importance of the assessment of the returns to the firm of its investments on health insurance plans, for which the instrument we developed in this paper can be useful.


Personnel management; employer-sponsored health plan; quality assessment



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