Giancarlo Gomes, Patricia Monteiro Gorni, Marialva Tomio Dreher


The study aims to analyze the behavior, speech and practice of university students about sustainable consumption. The method used was quantitative research and survey, conducted in a university in the city of Blumenau, SC. The research population consisted of 330 students. The results show that most university students surveyed show be aware of their role in relation to the care of the environment. Although it can represent a stand for sustainable consumption, it reveals only the respondents' awareness on environmental issues. The discourse of the university enables us to conclude a concern for environmental conservation at the time of consumption decision. The practice of these students reveals a different reality, especially in regard to recovery of cost-benefit at the expense of environmental conservation cost and/or personal contribution to the acquisition of products and packaging less harmful to the environment. A little culture awareness rooted in society and the high cost of green products compared to other traditional products on offer in the market must be considered. For a generation of modest means, this could be the result of a lack of economic alternative to actively participate in the movement towards sustainable consumption.


Consumer behavior; sustainable consumption; university



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