Mar à Vista: Explorando as Estratégias da Familia Schürmann a Bordo de um Veleiro

Antonio Eduardo Husadel, Cintia Rodrigues de Oliveira Medeiros, Edis Mafra Lapolli, Rodrigo Miranda


New contours began to be outlined in the strategy field, in recent decades, resulting in the emergence of studies focused on understanding the process strategy formation on the extent to which it develops. Mintzberg, Ahlstrand & Lampel (1999) proposed the analogy of the elephant as a strategy of ten parties, suggesting that the field of strategy is seen by its parts, which makes their recovery, because to understand the whole, we must know each parties who comprise. In the same direction, Vasconcelos (2001) identifies the authors of these three dimensions of strategy. Of experience in a circumnavigation the planet, which was, initially, the realization of a dream, the Schürmanns innovated and created a company with unmistakable characteristics, conquering space in a market already well explored. This research is anchored in the interpretative approach and aims to explore the process of strategy formation, using the experience of the Schürmann in its history since Schürmann around the world aboard a sailboat. Interviews and institutional documents were used as sources of research. As a result, we present the process of forming the strategy of the Family Schürmann, showing aspects of different schools of strategic thinking.




Strategy; Inovation; Learning; Culture; Schurmann



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