Anne Karolinne Nunes Pinheiro, José Carlos Lázaro Silva Filho, Cláudio Lustosa da Costa Brito, Rita de Cássia Lopes, Gleíza Guerra de Assis Braga


The emergence of environmental issues has caused ruptures in the ways of thinking, acting and voice in society and organizations. Since its emergence in the late 1960s, awareness of environmental issues has evolved so reaching in recent years of the twentieth century, one step further professionalisation characterized not only in greater theoretical examination of the academics, but also through its incorporation within the organizations and institutions of Western society, placing it permanently in the center of the debate on development. Faced with several recent studies on the determinants of environmental management (Maimon,1994; Ferraz e Mota,2002; Masullo e Lemme, 2005a, 2005b, Newman & Breeden,1992; González-Benito & González-Benito, 2006, 2008; Azzoni & Bertelè, 1994), this study aims by focusing on a company (corporation) to characterize the environmental management in each unit and identify different determinants for the development of environmental practices. The research was exploratory qualitative between two units, one of the metallurgical industry and other steel, one in a northeastern state and another state in the Amazon, belonging to the same economic group industrial. There was a strong relevance of external factors as critical to the engagement of environmental organizations, particularly the industrial sector involved and the geographical location of your production plant.


Environmental Management Organizational Determinants; Environmental Practices; Metallurgical Industry; Steel Sector



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