Cláudia Fabiana Gohr, Luciano Costa Santos, Rodolfo Maggioni


Globalization and internationalization of markets have affected organizations in different sectors, including service providers. Reviewing the literature about the subject, it was identified that the franchise represents one of the major driving forces in globalization of service firms, emerging as a strategic alternative to the internationalization of these organizations. In this sense, this article aims to present a theoretical model that provides guidelines for the process of internationalization of services by franchising. The proposed model was tested through a case study in a software development company, which were suggested ways in which these guidelines could be applied to the internationalization of the firm through franchising. For data collection it was used semi-structured interviews and passive observations. Based on the investigation, it could be suggested for the organization: (i) the type of franchise that best suits their characteristics, (ii) the parameters necessary for competitive success through franchising, and (iii) the aspects that must be considered in designing the franchise contract.


Internationalization; Franchising; Service operations



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