Mario Nei Pacagnan, Paulo da Costa Lopes, Marcos Rubo, Valéria da Silva Marques Assis Rubo


With the support dialectical interactionism bias in the teaching-learning provided by the online educational games prevalent in the business directed to the teaching of Directors is that estutura this essay. Guided by the question about which alternative pedagogical methodology incorporated into the practice of business games lets go of a subject-object interactionism interactionism subject to a social-search is the main objective in this essay, to provide an alternative educational games business that advances beyond Piaget's interactionist perspective toward the Vygotskyan interactionism. In this sense the methodology consisted of a literature search, which initially talks about the characteristics of the main pedagogical trends, from the traditional to the historical-critical. In the sequel we highlight that the games themselves, present developments related trends humanist and cognitive relying on the valuation of individual interests and rhythms. Explaining the difference between the models Piaget and Vygotsky would allow an overshoot interactionist, presents a detailed evaluation processes for the games business into an educational project with dialectical background that reinforces the social dimension of knowledge from the historical perspective criticizes Saviani. From the analysis of the teaching-learning process, highlighting the differences in the contributions of Piaget and Vygotsky, it is concluded that the games can advance the goals proposed evaluative criteria which presupposes awareness through the zone of proximal development, characterized by the distance between the actual developmental level of the individual and their level of development potential.


Pedagogy of the games; psychology of games; games interactionism in business



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