Eliete dos Reis, Mauri Leodir Löbler, Simone Alves Pacheco de Campos, Márcio Sampedro Ramos


As a result of technological advances and the speed at which information is processed, every moment society starts to count on new technologies developed for the purpose of making the work of individuals easier. Concerning this scenario, this study had the objective to identify the factors which explain the use of a managerial information system from the technology acceptance models, TAM and TTF, considered a consensus in the literature about the theme. Thus, a research of qualitative and descriptive approach was conducted by means of these models which, in most cases, are applied in quantitative analysis. Relating to the method for carrying out this research, a case study was used in a public institution. The analysis of the results which were obtained showed that all the factors evaluated, that is, noticeable utility, facility of use, intention of use and adjustment of technology to task were relevant to explain the use of the system being studied. In this way, it is noticed that the use of an Information System is not only related to the adjustment between task and technology, or to the individuals’ behavior and attitude toward the systems, but also to the combination of these factors (Klopping & McKinney, 2004).



Information System; Use; Acceptance models



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