João Bosco Castro Araujo, Vera L. Cançado


This paper aimed to analyze the relationship between trust and teams performance. Trust is understood as a relation between two or more parties, with a mutual expectation to fulfill what was defined by the parties; and high performance is the reaching or the overcoming of the established goals. We realized a qualitative case study in a company of the civil construction sector. We intentionally selected one high performance team (Alfa team) and another low performance team (Beta team). The data collection was realized through documental analyze, individual interviews and observation of a working meeting. The results indicated that the Alfa team showed behaviors related with transactional and transformational trust finding themselves on stage of realization; they show disposition to develop themselves, to take risks, to innovate and to improve; and also they also reveal a high performance n terms of the achievement of the goals. The Beta team presented behaviors related to transactional trust finding themselves on stage of formation; they show disposition for consistency, compromise and capacity; and they reveal a poor performance. These results indicate that there is a relationship between transactional and transforming trust and high performance teams.


Trust; Transformational trust; Transactional trust; High performance team; Inter-team relationship



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