Jaiane Aparecida Pereira, Maurício Reinert


This study aims at analyzing how the formation and evolution processes of social networks influence the innovation in one of the incubated company under Technological Incubator Center CIT/FUNDETEC from foundation to the year of 2011.To achieve this propose, theoretical framework discussed social networks, initial foundation conditions, post-founding entrepreneurial processes and innovation. A qualitative descriptive study was conducted using the case study as research design, with longitudinal cutting. We constructed data collection using semi-structured interviews with founder incubated company. For data analysis we based on the content analysis technique using Atlas.ti software. The results evidence both networks importance in formation and evolution company processes, providing resources and information to assist on innovation creation and development. The study also shows the reputation importance of the founder company to acquire legitimacy and benefits of the incubator in its initial incubation period.


Innovation; Social network; Incubated company



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