Marina D’Agostini, Rodrigo Marques de Almeida Guerra, Rosa Maria Sartor, Vilmar Antonio Gonçalves Tondolo


This article aims to analyze the formation of joint ventures formed by two manufacturers from automobile industry, understanding strategic and relational aspects of these alliances. This research is characterized by a qualitative and exploratory multiple case study, where it was possible to conduct a comparison of two subsidiary and their joint ventures located in the United States (USA), Germany, Mexico, and Egypt. The data collection was done through participant observation and semi-structured interviews. The data were analyzed using content analysis technique. Among results, it was identified as essential for the successful implementation of this type of alliance, to conduct a detailed feasibility study which must precede the formation of the joint venture, followed by an alignment between the interests of the partners. Adaptations to the cultural aspects seem as a strong point for survival of joint ventures. Information obtained in this study converges with the theory studied and lead to new research opportunities regarding to the theme.


Strategic alliance; Joint-venture; Automobileindustry



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