Gleíza Guerra Braga, Serafim Firmo de Souza Ferraz, Tereza Cristina Batista de Lima


The industrial districts are clusters of associated companies in theory with the innovation factor and policies for development based on clusters, locational advantages and potential locations. This study  aimedto identify typologies of organizational culture prevalent in firms located in industrial districts of Maracanaú, in the State of Ceará. The survey with 3271 workers of the 50 largest companies concluded by the not predominance of culture of innovation (26.7 % ), but a cultural mosaic of cultures almost homogeneous market (29.2 % ), in socialising with traditional hierarchical cultures (22.5 %) and of clan (21.7 % ), according to the typologies of Cameron & Quinn, suggesting rich organizational densification as a result of public policy.


Organizational culture; industrial districts; cultural studies; competitiveness



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