Marina Dantas de Figueiredo, Auristela do Nascimento Melo, Fátima Regina Ney Matos, Diego de Queiroz Machado
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21529/RECADM.2015010


This article aims to discuss female entrepreneurship from a critical perspective, supported by feminist theories based on the relationship between work and social practices. The objective is to understand how female entrepreneurial action can lead to female emancipation. The complexity of the study relies on the chosen research object, which is the entrepreneurial initiatives of woman that work with craft activities. Through a case study, we explore the causes and consequences of the actions of the entrepreneurs organized in the Lace-Makers Association of Morros da Mariana, that produces bilro lace in the city of Ilha Grande, Piauí, through the standpoint of power relations and gender. The research finding points out the link between lace-maker´s artisanal activities and the reinforcement of traditional gender roles. As a conclusion, we acknowledged that even if production and the sales of lace may be a source of incomes for the group of woman drown together in the Association, the entrepreneurial activity based on craft is not an emancipator act that can subvert the unequal power distribution between man and woman in society. Following this conclusion, we recommend that further studies should take as research object the female entrepreneurial activity based on traditional craftwork.


Female entrepreneurship; Gender; Craftwork; Critical perspective; Lace-Makers Association of Morros da Mariana



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