Impactos do multiculturalismo na prestação de serviços logísticos no Brasil

Marcelo Alvaro da Silva Macedo, Alberto Gabbay Canen


The fact of 3PL’s (Third Party Logistics) are part of the supply chain does that the increasement of the concerning from the customers-companies in relation to the partnerships development with these ones, already a bad service can compromise the chain competitiveness at all, besides the affect the final consumers preferences. On this work, it is searched to understand if the development of an multiculturalism approach was a promising way to get sustainable competitive advantage, yet this seems to be able to develop in the 3PL’s a cultural sensitivity which provides a better perception of the customer’s needs, a more effective communication and the ability to create an arena of the acculturated service provision, it means, which considers in an explicit way relevant cultural aspects to the customers-companies. In this context, it is required to highlight that the a bigger contribution of this work lies in the fact of showing the importance of considering the cultural diversity, on a structured way, in the services provision, especially, the related to the logistics. The results show that is still required the strategy formulation to the development of sensitivity to the cultural questions, searching, this way, the creation or adaptation of products/services on account of cultural differences.


Cultural Diversity; Logistic; Multiculturalism



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