Subjective Well-Being of Senegalese Immigrants

Jaqueline de Quadros Dill Lague, Shalimar Gallon, Priscila Sardi Cerutti


Subjective well-being is the theme that is dedicated to understanding how people evaluate satisfaction in their lives. This area considers personal aspects, experiences, values, expectations. Investigating aspects that influence the well-being of immigrants can contribute to their better adaptation to the new country. To describe the subjective well-being of Senegalese immigrants is the aim of this research. The qualitative exploratory cross-sectional approach was adopted. The means of investigation for data collection was the focus group with Senegalese immigrants and, posteriorly, a semi-structured interview with the managers of these immigrants. For the analysis of the data, the content analysis was used in order to prevent possible distortions of the application of a single method. In the results, it was identified that the categories that affect the subjective well-being of the Senegalese immigrants are, in general, economic and cultural elements, expectations and emotions. These results contribute to the scientific advance by showing how the relationship between the immigrant worker and the company in which he/she is inserted occurs, showing a social and psychological aspect of this reality experienced by some immigrants in Brazil.


subjective well-being; quality of life; immigration



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