The challenges faced in the development of women's careers from different generations

Larissa Nardes, Shalimar Gallon, Eduardo Rech


The characteristics and behaviors of generations deserve to be studied, especially when it comes to women in the organizational environment. The objective of the study is to analyze the challenges of different generations of women in relation to career development. For this, a research with a multi-method approach was carried out, through an exploratory study of qualitative character with 18 women and then, a survey research of quantitative character with 406 women. As main results it was found that the younger generations perceive the barriers in the career of women more than the older generations, being that the Baby Boomers generation tends to perceive less the barriers faced by women. Regarding the barriers that motherhood can generate in the rise of the woman's career, the results show that the younger generations perceive the barriers more than the older generations. This research showed that organizations still need to mature in relation to gender issues, developing policies aimed at women.


women; career; maternity; human resources management



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