Efeito da informação na simulação de um leilão de preço reserva

Bruno Vinícius Ramos Fernandes, Josué Lins Silva, César Augusto Tibúrcio Silva
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5329/RECADM.20090802006


This study sought evidence if the inclusion of information on products substantially alter the estimates of prices in the simulation of the auction reserve price. The products chosen were: mouse, shoes, watch and wice which is a cooler of drinks don’t known in the Brazilian market. It also tested a random anchor can influence the estimates of prices, was chosen to anchor the last three digits of the identity of each participant. As a result it was found that anchor affects the estimates of prices when auctioned four products without information. The inclusion of the information offered increased prices and decreased the effect of random anchor. Four products were investigated in the Winner's Curse occurs, both in auctions with and without information.



Auction reserve price; winner's curse; random anchor



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