The declared and the undeclared in the manifestation of institutional logics: a study of theater practice in a cultural organization

Bruno Eduardo Slongo Garcia, Queila Regina Souza Matitz


This study sought to understand how a cultural organization develops the practice of theater based on the enculturation of institutional logics. To fulfill the proposed objective, qualitative research was carried out with data found through documentary sources, interviews and ethnography. Data analysis was carried out through narrative analysis. Institutional logics can be considered as a troika between subjects, practices and objects, mediated by a good and its values, in which it was possible to identify how recursivity occurs through enculturation, which occurs at the declared (intentional) and undeclared level (not intentional). In this way, this study highlights how the cultural organization Art&Vida encompassed different institutional logics, such as amateur and modern theater. By placing the elements at analytical levels, Art&Vida disposes at the declared and undeclared level, respectively the theater is limited through symbols and attitudes, as well as becoming a representation and composing the skills and schemes of the actors. From enculturation, the cultural organization changed the meaning of institutional elements and founded a hybrid institutional logic, which we call countryside theater. Therefore, recursion occurs to meet the needs of the local community. This study contributes by highlighting that although institutions are beneficial, there is openness to action through interpretation. Future research suggests understanding how enculturation can produce hybrid institutional logics different contexts.


institutionalism; enculturation; performing arts; institutional logic; theater



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