Pedro José Steiner Neto, Cris Betina Schlemer, Fábio Pimenta de Pádua Junior


The affective reactions experienced by consumers in a purchase process have most of their studies focused on consumer's satisfaction. However, negative emotions, such as regret, have extreme importance, although there is little research addressing this issue. Other than collaborating for the literature development, the present thesis has two objectives: verify if the effort undertaken by the consumer in the searching information process influences his or her regret degree and analyze the relation between regret intensity and future claim intentions, negative ‘word-of-mouth’ and repurchases. The results of the sample composed by teenagers suggest that: the search of information doesn't influence the regret intensity; the probability of negative ‘word-of-mouth’ and claim increase according to regret intensity; people with high regret degree tend to avoid repurchases. When the sample is stratified by gender, the hypothesis of ‘the larger the intensity of regret, the larger the complaint probability’ is confirmed for men and rejected for women.



Customer satisfaction; affective reactions; repentance



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