Marcos Polli, Jaison Ademir Sevegnani, Maria José Carvalho de Souza Domingues, Nelson Hein


The analysis of the multiple intelligences developed by Gardner is important, because it makes possible to know the learning styles so much to the teachers as for the students. The objective of this study was to present the results of a research accomplished in the Regional University of Blumenau (FURB) with the students of the degree course in Administration using the Inventory of the Multiple Intelligences (IIM) created by Armstrong (2001), still making considerations for the development of teaching strategies on the part of the teachers through the concept of the 8 multiple intelligences proposed by Gardner. The used methodology went to the descriptive research, with method of the type rising with quantitative data. Data were collected with 305 students of the degree course in Administration, divided with emphasis in the course External Trade and in the course Business Administration. The analysis was accomplished through the theory of regression analysis with aid of the software LHStat. The intelligences that more it highlighted were the logical-mathematics, the interpersonal intelligence and the kinesthetic intelligence, the intelligences that presented decrease went to the intelligences, naturalistic, musical, linguistics, space and intrapersonal intelligence, with this suggests herself new strategies and more appropriate teaching methods to the teachers, with objective of improving the didacticism in the classroom.



Multiple intelligences; Methodology of Teaching;Teaching strategy



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