Jackeline Amantino de Andrade


This paper argues that the notion of strategy should also permeate the government. Part is thus the assumption that the development of theories of strategy brings an important contribution to public policy. This understanding is particularly significant considering the overcoming of classical bases of strategic planning of prescriptive nature and the need for understanding of processes related to strategic practice. This article is organized in addition to the introductory section in five other sections. The first strategic approaches are addressed specifically considering the classical and the process by opening the analysis of strategy as practice given its relevance to the design of public policy formation. The second seeks to contribute conceptually to the analysis of "strategic doing" bringing the contribution of actor-network theory (ART). After methodological aspects are approach and a specific policy is analyzed from the plot of actors to produce translations that support emerging strategies in the process of its formation. Finally, the last section presents the findings on the argument presented here.


Strategy; public policies; actor-network theory



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