Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

The journal's mission

This journal publishes peer reviewed academic papers that help broadening the knowledge in Information Systems, including theoretical and empirical analyses, book reviews and all sorts of research reports, with special focus on the use of computing, communications and information technologies in organizations and their impacts on such environments and our society. THIS JOURNAL DOES NOT CHARGE ANY FEES FROM AUTHORS OR OTHER PARTIES. ALL WORK IS PERFORMED BY ACADEMIANS ON A VOLUNTARY BASIS, AIMING TO CONTRIBUTE WITH THE INFORMATION SYSTEMS RESEARCH COMMUNITY.


Section Policies


This section will present opinion papers produced by experienced researchers in the field, usually after a direct invitation by the editor.

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General papers

Papers submitted to this section will be analised by the editor for alignment with the journal's purposes and then sent to reviewers for the double blind review process.

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This section will include interviews with well known researchers or other people that have something to say to the community of IS researchers.

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Book reviews

This section accepts the submission of book reviews, which can be requested by the editor or spontaneously submitted by any member of the academic community.

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This section takes papers that do not follow a theoretical-empirical methodology in order to reach a scientific objective.

Theoretical essays are welcome, based on the reflection of the researcher about the area as a whole, about possible research developments or any other issue that should catch the IS researchers' attention.

This section also accepts more general essays that intend to take scientific issues to a broader audience, which would, otherwise, not have access to that information. 

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Focus on society

This section invites papers that discuss information systems as accepted, used and transformed by our society.

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Focus on technology

Papers submitted to this section have their focus on the technology itself and not on the use organizations or our society will make of them. However, RESI is not interested on the technology for the technology's sake. Even when the technology, itself, is central to the discussion, the author should be concerned with its practical application.

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Focus on organizations

This section is specially concerned with the use organizations male of an information technology, in order to improve its competitiveness or value to the customers.

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Focus on people

This section of the journal is concerned with the interaction of people and IT and its psychological and social effects.

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Special edition: ERP

This section was created specifically to receive submissions for the special call on ERPs, which was organized by Amarolinda Zanella Saccol and Cesar Alexandre de Souza, early in 2010.

  • Alexandre Graeml
  • Amarolinda Klein
  • Cesar Souza
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SBSI fast track

This section should only be used by authors whose papers were indicated by the SBSI conference committee to take part in a fast track for RESI, for their recognized quality.

  • Alexandre Graeml
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Teaching and Research

This section receives papers that discuss topics of interest to professors and graduate students, focusing on the understanding of what we need to do in order to strengthen graduate education.

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E-gov around the world

Specific section for the special issue on e-gov (v. 10, n. 1)

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Decision making

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E-gov in Brazil

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Edição especial sobre Redes Sociais e Mineração de Dados

  • Jonice Sampaio
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IT Governance

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Free software

  • Alexandre Graeml
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Esta é uma seção apenas para artigos convidados, que não são submetidos ao double blind review da revista.

  • Alexandre Graeml
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Fast Track Semead

Esta seção é apenas para os melhores artigos do Semead, conforme indicação da organização do evento.

  • Alexandre Graeml
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Computação Urbana

  • Alexandre Graeml
  • Thiago Silva
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Smart cities

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Fast track - artigo convidado

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Peer Review Process

Any paper submitted to this journal is evaluated by means of double blind review. In case there the two reviewers do not agree on the suitability of the paper to the journal, a third one is invited to provide his/her opinion. The editor has the final word about the publication of any academic paper, based on the recomendations he receives from the reviewers.

The following conditions apply:

1) Papers submitted to Resi should not have been previously published elsewhere. They should also not be under review by other journals while submitted to Resi. In case the paper is being considered to be published as a book chapter or part of a book, Resi's editor should be informed. The book should mention the edition where the paper was previously published at Resi. There is no restriction to the submission of papers that were previously presented in academic events, even when included in the proceedings, but the version to be reviewed by Resi needs to be prepared using the journal's template (see menu at the top of the page).

2) The submission of the paper to Resi implies in the immediate authorization for it's publication, in case it is accepted, without any form of payment or economic compensation to the author(s) and reviewer(s).

3) Papers published at Resi may be printed, as a whole or in part, stored and/or freely distributed, given that the source is always clearly stated.

4) Papers and other sorts of contribution may be submitted in English, Portuguese or Spanish and should present the author's ideas in a clear and structured way, using objective language.

5) The content, style and grammar (English, Portuguese or Spanish) are the author's sole responsibility. It is advised that they consult with a language specialist prior to submitting the paper to Resi, specially when not writing in their native language.

6) Authors are invited to read the papers published in previous issues of the journal about the same topic and, in case they find related work, they should justify (within the paper itself, in the literature review section, or in a letter addressed to the editor) the publication of still another paper about the issue, highlighting the main differences between the new paper and the one(s) previously published at RESI.

7) Papers are only accepted by means of the journal's OJS (Open Journal System) platform.


Publication Frequency

A partir de 2013, a RESI é uma publicação quadrimestral.


Open Access Policy

This journal offers free and imediate access to all its content, following the principle that by providing free access to scientific knowledge, it contributes to the democratization of knowledge.



Esta revista utiliza o sistema LOCKSS para criar um sistema de arquivo distribuído entre as bibliotecas participantes e permite que elas criem arquivos permanentes da revista para a preservação e restauração. Saiba mais...


Publishing Restrictions

The chief-editor never publishes in the journal. Guest editors never publish in issues that they are responsible for or involved with. Editorial board members face no restriction to publishing in the journal, as they are not directly involved with the selection of papers.