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PDF (Português (Brasil))Abstract
Decision making for technology adoption in government is influenced by the principles and strategic objectives of the organization, which are ruled by the governance structures in governments. This paper seeks to analyze the perceptions of business managers and IT managers about the structure of IT governance use in decision making for the provision of a public e-service. In order to achieve that, we analyzed the provision of a public e-service, CAPES Portal of Journals, and the IT governance structure of the public institution for the provision of that service. Considering the qualitative and exploratory approach adopted for the research, we opted for a single case study. Semi-structured interviews and documentary analysis were used for data collection. It was identified that the decision making process for the deployment of a public e-service in the organization is influenced by the decision making archetype, perceived as a monarchy business, considering the characteristics of the practices being implemented. Empirical evidence supports this perception, given that the portal is an e-service with specific features in the organization and with a single decision-making structure.
governança de TI; e-serviço público; portal de periódicos da CAPES; estudo de caso.