A empresarização do sagrado: um estudo sobre a estruturação de igrejas protestantes

Julio Cesar de Santana Gonçalves, Antonio Roberto Coelho Serra, Carlos Everaldo Silva Costa
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21529/RECADM.20070602010


Within the scope of the Theory of Organizations, this paper has as its objective the discussion in which form the phenomenon of commercialization of organizations is related to the organizational structuring of evangelical churches historically belonging to the Protestant, Pentecostal and Neo-Pentecostal religions in Santa Catarina. The elements that characterize the phenomenon of commercialization of these churches are described and their processes of organizational structuring in the last ten years. It is a multi-case qualitative study whose gathering of facts was done by means of direct observation, interviewing and through analysis of documents. The firsthand facts were dealt with through analysis of content, and the secondary facts by means of analysis of documents. It became evident that a process of commercialization developed precisely at different stages and intensities within each church investigated. All three of the organizations present signs of adaptation to the business parameters considered in this paper.


Commercialization of organizations; Evangelical churches; organizational structuring



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