Gerações e comprometimento em diferentes contextos de gestão de pessoas no Brasil
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The purpose of this study is to analyze human resource management in organizations operating in Brazil, in connection to generational issues and commitment. A multi-case study was carried out in two companies: Dow and Promon. Questionnaires were also applied to 331 Dow employees and 298 Promon employees. As for generational management, results demonstrated that such management is not carried out in a formal manner, but rather takes place only informally through other programs that achieve this duty indirectly. At Promon, hierarchical position causes such a variation, whereas in Dow it is due to time at the company. Such differences are explained by the particular characteristics of the organizations. Such management takes place only informally, through other programs that achieve this duty indirectly. From this result, and from the display of the importance of productive coexistence among generations, the need for implementing formal policies that fulfill such a need can be observed. Generally speaking, although there is evidence of age-based generational differences in Brazil, there is evidence that human resource policies and practices, though not geared towards generational management, have the potential to make people commit in a similar manner, irrespective of their age.
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