Motivators for The Internationalization of Small Software Enterprises: a multi case study on Brazilian and Spanish contexts

Alessandra Herranz, Hilka Pelizza Vier Machado


The software industry is characterized as an industry of intense growth and the companies are in process of internationalization. Although the industry is dominated by small companies, the international insert of these companies is still reduced. The objective of this research was to know drivers of internationalization in small companies of software. The research method was the multiple study of cases developed in five small software companies in two contexts: in the State of Paraná, south of Brazil and in Valence, Spain. Data were collected in opened interviews. The code process was developed with the software NVivo, version 11. Subsequently, the data were classified and interpreted. The categories resulted in the drivers of internationalization: a) competition; b) search for new markets; c) market to new products; d) casual opportunity; e) growth; f) Access to international markets to look for human resources. The theoretical contribution was the analysis of the internationalization of small companies in two contexts, which allows larger inclusion in the conclusions on motivators of internationalization. As practical contribution, the results of the research can be useful to software companies that want to internationalize, since they can mirror in the drivers mentioned in this research.


internationalization; software enterprise; small business



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