Henrique Martins Rocha
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5329/RECADM.20040302007


The complexity of managing a organization nowadays, whereby changes and customer demands are increasingly more dynamic, and the competition is tougher than ever, brought about a need for a reevaluation based on alternative futures. In search of a system, which would enable the companies to sail forth in a correct direction, within this new reality, arose the prospective scenarios study, which is a methodology whereby futures are identified, expanding the possibility of the organizations to propose and to monitor their strategic actions, in order to enable the achievement and/or maintenance of competitive positions. This present work has the intent of perform an in-deep study of this methodology, gathering information and describing the main concepts related to it. The conclusion indicates that the referred method may help defining the organization strategy, and which may enable it to have a more flexible and adequate position to manage the uncertainness, becoming more robust and strategically better positioned.


competitiveness; scenarios; strategy



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