Henrique Martins Rocha
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5329/RECADM.20040301003


Organizations make decisions on developing new products based on projections that involve several links within the supply chain and value chain, simulating on how the organization and its chains will be affected prior, along and beyond the life of the product. This article describes in details the product development process and shows the mapping of links and relationship among market prospection and analysis, investments, resources, planned timeframe, performance in the tests and field, market acceptance, sales, financial analysis, logistics and distribution, environmental, legal and social issues and also the cashflow generated by the product into the organization and the chain. It is shown how decisions based on quantitative parameters enable the optimization of the product development / commercialization cycle and reduce the uncertainty, thus increasing the likelihood of ROI maximization and the sustainability of the whole value chain.



Competitiveness; Product Development; Supply Chain



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