Waleska Silveira Lira, Geraldo Maciel de Araújo, Maria de Lourdes Barreto Gomes


Industrial networks constitute a new form to compete in the market as well as a strategy of regional development, through the creation of consortium of company and formation strategic alliances. This article makes a outline of the industrial networks, strategically alliances through consortium of exportation and the experience of the State of the Paraíba through the formation of the exportation consortium of software - Consórcio PBTECH, beside this work making an analysis of the vision of three companies of technological base in the participation of the Consórcio de Exportação da Paraíba and its expectations for the future in terms of enterprise growth. In this study it was adopted as a methodology a bibliographical research and a descriptive and investigative multi-case study. Through the research, it can be concluded that the formation of the industrial networks through the use of the strategy of exportation consortium presents competitive advantage, for existing in the region companies of technological base as central nucleus of the net, and a strong tendency of growth from the preexisting technological qualification in the city of Campina Grande. The main objective of the studied companies, in participating of the Consórcio PBTECH was to expand the market, the reduce the costs, the formation of a entrepreneurs group and multiplying agents for diffusion of technologies and the change of attitude in relation to the internationalization. The integration of the industrial networks is not only the way but also the final function, mainly for the need to remain competitive in the global market in which the society of the information is inserted.


Industrial networks; Consortium; Strategy; Regional Development



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