André Luis Silva, Márcia de Freitas Duarte


In this paper, the objective was to understand how the element university education was transformed in a coping strategy that helped employees who lived in the year 2006, the acquisition of a financial institution they worked for another national institution, to deal with the impacts of this abrupt change in the workplace, getting thus reframing the meaning of his career. The research is qualitative, descriptive, with temporal and sectional cut, with a longitudinal perspective. Data were collected through interviews, and interpreted using the technique of content analysis. It was concluded that the employees had resorted to university education as a coping strategy against the acquisition, ressignifying thus the sense of the situation and their own career to be able to stay working in the acquiring institution. That is, new ways of conceiving the meaning of the university education in the construction of professional life. It’s pointed that is possibly from the way that is being done the process of university education in Brazil, that academic education is no longer just meant as something that provides prerequisites for entering the labor market and/or maintenance of career, because in this article, this proved to be a coping strategy by which it is possible to overcome the impacts of these organizational changes.



Career, Education, Coping Strategy, University Education, Labor Relations.


Career; Education; Coping Strategy; University Education; Labor Relations



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